Artificial intelligence now capable of identifying cancer

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[객원 에디터 5기 / 이석현 기자] Cancer is one of the leading causes of death globally as it is responsible for about 10 million casualties every year. The World Health Organization further reports that nearly one in six deaths occur due to cancer. Nonetheless, in many cases, it can be cured with early detection and swift treatment.

Artificial intelligence has been revolutionizing the medical field for many years. With machine learning algorithms, doctors and researchers have made crucial advances in diagnosing and treating various diseases. In turn, a new artificial intelligence (AI) tool is set to introduce the latest breakthrough.

Researchers at the University of Texas in Austin recently developed an AI tool that applies machine learning algorithms to analyze medical images and identify cancer with remarkable accuracy. In fact, the tool is able to detect different forms of cancers, including lung cancer, breast cancer, and prostate cancer with a success rate of over 90%.

This new AI tool is based on a deep learning algorithm that analyzes a vast amount of data from which it learns. In this particular finding, the tool was trained using millions of medical images of cancer patients which allowed it to identify patterns and markers associated with different types of cancer, after which it could begin to accurately identify cancer in new images that it had never seen before.

One of the most significant advantages of the new AI tool is its speed. Traditional methods of identifying cancer in medical images are time-consuming and require trained professionals to analyze each image manually. Using the AI tool, however, images can be analyzed in a matter of seconds, allowing patients to receive a diagnosis much faster than before.

Indeed, the revolutionary potential impact of this new advancement AI tool is enormous. As the early detection of cancer is crucial for successful treatment, the ability to accurately identify cancer in medical images can save countless lives in the future. The tool can also help doctors make more informed decisions about treatment options, which could lead to better outcomes for patients. 

Ultimately, with its remarkable accuracy and speed, this new AI tool has the potential to revolutionize the way cancer is detected and treated. As researchers continue to make advances in artificial intelligence, we can expect to see even more exciting developments in the field of medicine.

Sources: The Guardian, News Medical, NDTV, Azerbaycan

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