The Day of the Dead: A Colorful Celebration of the Deceased

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[객원 에디터 6기/ 이석현 기자] The Day of the Dead is a vibrant tradition celebrated by Mexicans across the globe. Despite its deceiving name, this festival is not a time for mourning but rather one that pays homage to the deceased. This unique celebration represents a rich tapestry of history, tradition, and symbolism and has gained recognition and popularity beyond Mexico in recent years.

Its roots can be traced to ancient indigenous civilizations in Mexico, particularly the Aztecs, Nahuas, and Mayans. These cultures held elaborate rituals and ceremonies to honor the deceased, believing that the spirits of the departed return to the world of the living once every year.

The Spanish conquest of the 16th century had a significant impact on these indigenous traditions, as it introduced Catholicism to Mexico and induced attempts to suppress indigenous practices. Nonetheless, the Day of the Dead eventually merged with All Saints’ Day on November 1st and All Souls’ Day on November 2nd. As a result, the holiday is now celebrated on both of these days.

In contemporary Mexico, the Day of the Dead is a fusion of indigenous and Catholic customs, creating a colorful celebration that combines religion and culture. Families and communities come together to build ofrendas, or altars, in their homes and at cemeteries, adorning them with offerings such as marigold flowers, candles, incense, sugar skulls, and the favorite foods and drinks of the deceased. In fact, these ofrendas play a crucial role in the celebration. Families also place photographs of their deceased loved ones on the altar and may include other items that hold significance, like cherished belongings of the departed. The ofrendas are meant to welcome the spirits of the dead back to the world of the living, where they can enjoy the offerings and the company of their living relatives.

Ultimately, The Day of the Dead is a powerful reminder that death is not the end but a natural part of the human experience. It provides an opportunity for families to come together and celebrate the lives of those who have passed.

Sources: History.com, National Geographic, Al Jazeera

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