Online abuse of South Korean gold-medalist An San

How feminism is being treated in South Korea

Unreasonable controversy towards women with short hair

< Photo source : Pixabay >

[해외특파원 1기 / 박가영 기자] South Korean gold-medalist An San, an archer who has won three gold medals at the Tokyo Olympics, became a target for online hostility after cutting her hair short, a look labeled “feminist” by some social media users in Korea.

Feminism in Korea has a somewhat different character compared to the feminist movements in many other countries. Recently, such public discourse has degenerated into a battle of the sexes. Some celebrities have already been attacked after being recognized as feminists by male-dominated online groups, which claim that men are being treated unfairly by so-called feminism-focused policies. Increasing repression against feminism and the nation’s policy to provide women with rights is a current issue in South Korea.

In addition to visiting her Instagram and expressing their hatred against feminism, some of them even claimed that they should contact the Korea Archery Association to return her medals as they strongly believe that An San had not earned the right. An online user even commented, “Why do you have short hair?” Her answer was, “Because it is convenient.” Nevertheless, her answer could not stop the aggressive comments toward her.

After she won a match play in the 1/16 elimination round of the women’s individual event, her coach prevented reporters from asking “unnecessary” questions about the absurd controversy. An San said that she would answer only questions related to the Tokyo Olympic Games, when a reporter asked her a question about the online abuse.

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