How the Covid-19 pandemic impacted the world and Thailand
How Thai masks are illegally recycled

[해외특파원 1기 / 김한결 기자] Since covid 19 has brought us many variant differences throughout the year, we can say 2019 and the whole year of 2020 have been a tough time for people all around the world. But as time went on many countries have overcome their covid19 cases and maintain their covid positive rate. Places like Germany, New Zealand, and Korea have been listed as the top 3 safest countries these days. According to the article, Germany recorded 11.5 out of 100000 deaths due to covid 19. But other countries like Belgium, France, and the UK had higher death rates. Belgium had an 87.0 death rate which is 7 times more than Germany. Another example is France with a 48.0 death rate. Just by looking at the numbers, we can all say that the fact they are located in Europe they did a great job dealing with the covid 19 pandemic.

Places in other regions are also getting worse each day. Like Thailand for example, always maintain stability on the new covid positive rate which is 10 thousand every day. So because the situation is getting worse and worse every day the government warned people to wear masks, keep social distance, participate in self-quarantine, and curfew at 9 PM. If you read this far you might think Thailand is doing a great job trying to overcome the situation. But the news about “mask” made everyone frustrated. According to the news, a policeman ambushed the place located 100 kilometers north of Bangkok which was used for mask recycling. What they did was that they collected the mask inside the trashcan near the mall, supermarket, parking lot, and all sorts of places. After they brought a bunch of unusable masks, they put all the masks in the washing machine and wait for a few minutes. Then they use a dryer and iron to make it look like a new mask. Finally, when they’re done they bring all the masks and make money out of them. According to the news the people who sold these masks earn around 400 THB each. And the money they earn was all used for their living. Well after they got caught they had no excuse to get out of their crime, so they were arrested for fraud.