Electromagnetic breakthrough set to expand modern robotic capabilities

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[객원 에디터 4기 / 한동민 기자] Researchers at Johannes Kepler University recently came up with a fascinating idea for an ultra-fast soft robot—a machine composed of rubber that can be easily controlled via magnetic fields and electric currents. 

Constructed out of elastic material surrounded by metal wires, the robot moves when engaged by a surrounding electromagnetic field, performing various tasks like simple maneuvers, directional changes, swimming, and even jumping over obstacles. In fact, this robot can run seventeen times faster than previous models, making it an attractive choice for consumers. Furthermore, the soft robot is more lightweight, affordable, and easily customizable to any given application, offering greater flexibility, combinations, and contractions than its more rigid predecessors. 

The objective behind the development of this iconic invention is to swiftly deliver medical drugs into patients’ bodies via very narrow passages. This technological breakthrough not only advances the possibilities of modern-day robots but holds crucial implications for future surgical procedures. For instance, MIT assistant professor Kevin Chen noted that the high density of the robot may enable it to utilize a large amount of energy in a relatively small body frame. 

A flaw in the robot’s current capacity is that it can only be operated for approximately an hour and a half in the household environment at any given time. However, researchers are hard at work to increase the robot’s efficiency to make it even more accessible to domestic and corporate consumers alike.  

Sources: New Scientists, Harvard Robotics

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