School Shooting in Nashville continues gun laws debate in America 

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[객원 에디터 5기 / 민찬홍 기자] On March 28th, 2023, a school shooting incident in Nashville elementary school sent shock waves across Nashville, Tennessee. The suspect was identified as Audrey Haley, a 28-year-old Nashville resident who had a clean criminal record. Hale opened fire and killed three children and three adults. Detailed map tracing and surveillance of the school indicated that the attack was targeted, with additional probes into security footage further showing Hale shattering the glass panes on the front doors and subsequently entering through the hallways. The former principal Bill Campbell claimed that he remembered Hale as a regular third-grade student back in 2005 who exhibited no signs of violence. The main intention behind Hale’s crimes is still under investigation. 

Although Hale fired rounds into several classrooms, the teachers carried out their training well and minimized the damage. As security consultant Brink Fidler noted, “[The teachers’] ability to execute literally flawlessly under that amount of stress […] is what made the difference here.” 

According to data gathered by Education week, there have been 12 school shooting occurrences so far this year Spurring public protests for increased gun control. However, given that attempts by President Joe Biden and other Democrats to enforce stricter gun limits have been met with strong opposition by Republican lawmakers, the current gun laws in the U.S. are likely to remain a subject of much public debate. 

Sources: CNN, BBC, NBC

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