2 Americans kidnapped in Mexico found dead

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[객원 에디터 5기 / 이석현 기자] On March 3rd, four Americans were captured on their road trip from Texas, United States to Matamoros, Mexico. Out of the four Americans, two of them, who were kidnapped by gunmen, were found dead. Meanwhile the other two were found alive on Tuesday. Mexican security secretary, Genaro Garcia Luna, identified the surviving Americans as Latavia “Tay” McGee and Eric James Williams. Earlier, CBS News learned that the two Americans killed were Zindell Brown and Shaeed Woodard.

At a State Department briefing on Tuesday, spokesperson Ned Price confirmed that the remaining survivors have been returned to the US, with Mexican federal and state officials escorting them to an international bridge at the U.S.-Mexico border, and that the department is attempting to collect the bodies of the other two victims who were killed and extend help to their relatives.

The group traveled from South Carolina to Mexico. This was because one of the group members, Washington McGee, had a surgery in Mexico on Friday. However, they were never able to reach the place of appointment. The car entered Matamoros at approximately 9 in the morning on Friday. However, they got lost while trying to find the medical clinic. After crossing the border, they were being shot by gunmen and later were taken to a different place by their vehicle.
Matamoros is known for its dangers within Mexico. This is because drug cartels control a large portion of the state of Tamaulipas and can hold more power than local law enforcement. Therefore I believe that there should be enforcement in law to protect these tourists and make the city safer for everyone to live in.

Sources: BBC, CNN, CBS News, NBC News

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